4 Ways to Make Your Water More Exciting

4 Ways to Make Your Water More Exciting

As you’ve heard time and time again, drinking plenty of water is a must, especially in the summer when it’s so easy to become dehydrated. Y’all it’s been so hot here in Texas, and I just crave water all the time! And when I don’t get enough water, I get headaches and...
3 Quick Beauty Tips to Prep for NYE!

3 Quick Beauty Tips to Prep for NYE!

So, you indulged in lots of yummy Christmas cookies, holiday food and festive cocktails and NOW it’s already New Year’s Eve! The night you want to ring in the new year looking beautiful in your sparkling dress. Well, not to worry…you will look beautiful I already...
Quick & Healthy Hangover Cures

Quick & Healthy Hangover Cures

I’ve gotten several requests to write a blog post on how to prevent hangovers and how to quickly recover the next day using healthy cures as opposed to the not-so-great options many people grab after a night of drinking.  Everyone has heard at one point,...
5 Fun Activities to Celebrate Earth Day

5 Fun Activities to Celebrate Earth Day

Today is Earth Day!  And it’s time to celebrate!  Celebrate the beauty that is all around us.  It’s easy to take for granted some of the things we see each day, but today let’s really take special notice of the sky, clouds, sunrise, sunset, trees, flowers, animals,...
Superfood Smoothie Bowl

Superfood Smoothie Bowl

Smoothie bowls are the “it” breakfast right now!  This breakfast of champions is  a fun alternative to a regular smoothie plus you can get creative with all different toppings.  And you don’t have to enjoy these bowls just for breakfast, they are...
60 Seconds to Clean Protein

60 Seconds to Clean Protein

Protein is a hot topic.  Where exactly should you get your protein?  Should you eat vegan, vegetarian, paleo, mostly plant based with a little meat and animal products?  The key is to find what works best for you. Here are a few ways you can check in to see if you’re...
Fruit Spotlight: Cherry Crush

Fruit Spotlight: Cherry Crush

Oh, I just love cherries!  Love them so much that they are my first fruit spotlight on the blog.  I typically do a list of certain foods like a top 5 or top 10 list, but since I currently have a major crush on cherries, I thought I’d dedicate a post just to...