Green juice Now that spring is here, it’s time for some spring greening! With the change of the season, we are beginning to crave fresh veggies, fruit, and greens, and what better way to satisfy that craving than with a sweet green juice! I call this recipe Spontaneous Happiness because it just makes you happy. Happy that you’re doing something healthy for yourself and happy because of the antioxidant & energy boost!  Not to mention the additional beauty benefits of clear, pretty skin and shiny hair. 

This delicious juice is great for a snack, or I also like to pair it with my morning eggs to get a good balanced breakfast of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and protein.

Servings: 2

½ pineapple
1 cucumber
1 lemon
1 apple
2 large handfuls baby spinach
1 handful broccoli
5-6 sprigs cilantro

1. Juice the pineapple, cucumber, lemon and apple first.
2. Next, juice the spinach, broccoli and cilantro.
3. Stir and serve.
4. Share if you want to spread some spontaneous happiness!

Green Juice
Cheers & Happy Spring Greening!
