Homemade Pumpkin Zucchini Soup

Homemade Pumpkin Zucchini Soup

So, confession time!  I haven’t had the best of luck with homemade soups in the past.  You’d think it would be easy, but I found it a bit difficult to find that perfect balance between being full of flavor and not overdoing it.  No one likes a bland soup,...
Homemade Gingerbread Chai Tea Latte + New Christmas Mug

Homemade Gingerbread Chai Tea Latte + New Christmas Mug

Starbucks is famous for their seasonal drinks. I admit they taste delicious; the only thing is they’re loaded with sugar, and even the “skinnies” are loaded with artificial sweeteners. Too much sugar will cause all kinds of side effects and problems…like weight gain,...
Top 5 Pretty + Fun Easter Ideas

Top 5 Pretty + Fun Easter Ideas

I just love Easter. Not only for the overwhelming love and sacrifice it represents, but I also appreciate the fun traditions, pretty dresses, Easter eggs and beautiful flowers. Therefore, I put together a list of some fun + pretty ideas for Easter. 1. Glitter Easter...
The 12 Healthy Foods of Christmas

The 12 Healthy Foods of Christmas

Christmas songs are playing everywhere and inspire such a happy, content feeling this time of year. I was sort of “singing” along to The 12 Days of Christmas the other day and thought…why don’t I play off this old Christmas carol as a fun way to list 12 healthy...