Jul 19, 2016 | Recipes, Top Health Tips
As you’ve heard time and time again, drinking plenty of water is a must, especially in the summer when it’s so easy to become dehydrated. Y’all it’s been so hot here in Texas, and I just crave water all the time! And when I don’t get enough water, I get headaches and...
Jul 11, 2014 | Beauty, Recipes, Seasonal
All I have to say is this tastes like candy. Green good for you tropical candy! These mini smoothies are packed with vitamin C which is great for beauty, glowing skin, anti-aging and decreasing wrinkles. You want to make sure you get plenty of vitamin C especially...
May 16, 2014 | Recipes, Top Health Tips
I personally love snacks, and most of the time, snack between meals. Now, that’s not to say everyone should. There are different theories on snacking. Some say you definitely should snack, and others say you should only have three meals a day. What do I say? I think...