Santa’s Spiked Hot Cocoa

Santa’s Spiked Hot Cocoa

Homemade, dairy-free, vegan and spiked!  What could be better to treat Santa Claus with than Spiked Hot Cocoa?  Made with raw cacao which is basically raw chocolate and a superfood. So, side note…chocolate IS good for you! And instead of being loaded with refined...
Happy National Strawberry Day

Happy National Strawberry Day

Happy National Strawberry Day!  Strawberries are sweet, healthy and pretty so, of course, I had to blog about this special celebration. Strawberries are packed with vitamin C which is great for pretty skin, anti-aging {stay away wrinkles!} and for our immune system....
“Nutella” Stuffed French Toast with Strawberries

“Nutella” Stuffed French Toast with Strawberries

So, I was playing around in the kitchen this past Sunday trying to come up with a Valentine’s Day brunch idea to share with you, and voila!  This is what was developed, and let me tell you, it is amazing!!  It tastes so good you almost feel guilty, but luckily...
Flourless Mint Double Chocolate Cookies

Flourless Mint Double Chocolate Cookies

Last week, I was invited to a Christmas cookie exchange. Obviously, my cookies had to be healthier than your average cookie;) and also taste good! So the pressure was on a bit. Especially because I didn’t have a chance to recipe test them before making them!  I wished...