Aug 14, 2014 | Inspiration, Steps to the Aisle
In July, my husband, Michael, and I celebrated our 4-year anniversary. We’ve been through a lot in our 4 little years. Not many people talk about how much work marriage can be especially in the beginning. There are ups and downs, great times and challenging...
May 16, 2014 | Recipes, Top Health Tips
I personally love snacks, and most of the time, snack between meals. Now, that’s not to say everyone should. There are different theories on snacking. Some say you definitely should snack, and others say you should only have three meals a day. What do I say? I think...
May 2, 2014 | Beauty, Top Health Tips
As you prepare for your engagement pics, wedding day, honeymoon, a special event in general, or you just want to lose weight and be healthier overall, you may be looking for some quick + easy ways to boost your metabolism. There are many options available that...