Apr 18, 2014 | Beauty, Seasonal
I just love Easter. Not only for the overwhelming love and sacrifice it represents, but I also appreciate the fun traditions, pretty dresses, Easter eggs and beautiful flowers. Therefore, I put together a list of some fun + pretty ideas for Easter. 1. Glitter Easter...
Apr 11, 2014 | Beauty, Recipes
This nutrient-dense smoothie is packed with beautifying goodness for you. Mixed berries are a great source of vitamin C which is essential for beauty. Vitamin C protects the skin from free radicals and hydrates the skin producing that springtime glow. Spinach is...
Mar 20, 2014 | Beauty, Seasonal
Ahh…It’s officially spring as of March 20th! Warmer weather, flowers blooming, fresh air, everything coming back to life. It’s a beautiful time, and the perfect time to rejuvenate and brighten ourselves up after the long chilly winter. So, I put together 10...
Dec 27, 2013 | Beauty, Steps to the Aisle
With all the holiday eating, drinking and get-togethers, these quick and foolproof beauty tricks are exactly what we need to prepare us for New Year’s Eve which is in just a few short days! Or, really…these beauty tips are perfect for any special occasion...