Grocery Store Tour

Healthy Steps Down the {Grocery} Aisle


Groceries If you’re overwhelmed by all the different choices, don’t understand what clean eating really means or what clean options to purchase, not sure which brands are best to buy, confused by some of the ingredients, aren’t really sure what superfoods are or what the heck goji berries are or what acai even looks like, I’ve got you covered!

This two-hour grocery store tour is included in my 3 & 6 month coaching programs, however, I decided to now offer this tour as an individual service as well for those who would love help in mastering the grocery aisles in order to support a healthy lifestyle.

The grocery store tour is definitely a client favorite!  It’s basically a fun field trip where you leave feeling confident and actually excited to go to the grocery store, plus it enables you to easily put healthy, simple meals together!

You’ll also leave with:

  • Shopping List: 7 pages of healthy grocery options
  • The Dirty Dozen:  a handout listing 12 ingredients to avoid
  • Pesticide Guide:  a guide listing which produce is highest in pesticides and which is lowest in pesticides {so you don’t have to buy everything organic!}
  • Seafood Guide:  a guide explaining which seafood is cleanest and which to avoid
  • Clean, Green + Lean Meal Options: healthy options for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, Drinks

Price:  $175  {also includes gift of my favorite kitchen item!} *must meet for an initial session prior to this tour.

How to schedule your grocery store tour:

You can either email or just click the button below to complete the contact form, and I’ll be in touch within two business days!

As with all my services, if you’re not currently a bride-to-be, you are still welcome!

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